




エンゲージでの「会話」とは、ソーシャルメディア上であなたとオーディエンスの間で行われるトップレベルのやり取りを指します。つまりソーシャルメディア上での会話には、コメント、ダイレクトメッセージ、レビューなどが含まれます。Statusbrewに接続されたソーシャルプロファイルで受信した各会話は、すべてEngage Inbox(エンゲージ受信箱)に表示されます。


  • All: すべての会話

  • Assigned to me:自分に割り当てられた会話

  • Shared with me:他のユーザーと共有している会話

  • Priority: 優先度の高い会話


  1. ダイレクトメッセージ(DM)

  2. ブランドの@メンション

  3. コメント

  4. ブランドキーワードによる会話




ブランドキーワード会話: ブランドキーワード会話とは、エンゲージのキーワードリスニングツールに追加したブランドに関連するキーワードに関するソーシャルメディア上の会話を指します。






  1. Update conversation State:

  • Close A Conversation

  • Snooze A Conversation

  • Re-Open A Conversation

  1. Managing Conversation Actions:

  • Assign Conversations To Users & User Groups

  • Bulk Actions

  • Keep Track By Adding Tags

These actions are only visible internally within the Statusbrew platform and are applicable to all types of conversations from all the supported social networks. Here are the details of each action:

Update Conversation State

By default, any incoming conversation in Engage will have its status set to Open; you can change and update the status of the conversation to Close or Snoozed. Also, you can [todo: Link How To Filter & Sort Conversation List |sort the conversations] and reopen already closed or snoozed conversations.

Close A Conversation

If a conversation you receive is single-ended or doesn't need a response, you can close the conversation to clear your conversation list. To close a conversation in Engage

  • Go to Engage and open any conversation

  • From the conversation chat window, click on the close [todo: icon sb-ic-close-conversation] button

  • Or, you can hover the message in the conversation list and click on the tick[todo: icon sb-ic-close-conversation] mark

Snooze A Conversation

Snoozing a conversation will temporarily remove it from your conversation list for a time period set by you.

  • From the conversation detail view, click on the Snooze[todo: icon sb-ic-snooze] button from the top-right

Here you will find the following snoozing options:

  1. Later today: Use this option to snooze the conversation for 4 hours later in the day.

  2. Tomorrow: Use this option to snooze the conversation until the start of office hours on the next day.

  3. Monday: Use this option to snooze the conversation until the office opens on the upcoming Monday.

  4. One week: Use this option to snooze the conversation until 12 noon on the same day next week.

  5. One month: Use this option to snooze the conversation until the same day next month.

  6. Custom: Use this option to select a custom date and time to snooze the conversation

Re-open a conversation

To re-open a previously closed or snoozed conversation, you need to select Close or Snoozed view from your inbox‘s conversation list. To do this

  • From your conversation pane click the default Open conversations list

  • From the dropdown, select




  • Hover over the message from the conversation list and click the mail-box [todo: icon sb-ic-open-conversation]

  • Or, from the chat window, click on


    from the top-right corner

Managing Conversation Actions

You can perform various actions to manage your engagement better, like assigning conversations to particular team members or user groups, performing bulk actions to save time and improve efficiency, and adding tags to categorize and analyze.

Assign Conversations To Users & User Groups:

To Assign a conversation:

  1. From any of your Engage inboxes or views, click [todo: icon sb-ic-hamburger-collapse] from the top-right to open the detail view of the message

  2. Click the default

    Unassigned button

    and from the dialog box, select or search for any user or user group to add as an assignee

Bulk Actions:

In Engage you can apply the following actions in Bulk:

  • Bulk-assign conversations to users/user groups

  • Move multiple conversations to suitable Inboxes

  • Close multiple conversations at once

  • Re-open multiple closed or snoozed conversations at once

To do this:

  1. From any of your Engage inboxes or views, hover over the messages from the conversation list and click the checkboxes to select them

  2. Or, if required, select all the messages of a conversation list by clicking the selection checkbox from the top of the list

  3. From the chat window, select the desired action to apply in Bulk

Keep Track By Adding Tags

While managing social, your team has to deal with all kinds of conversations. [todo: Link How Do I Use Tags In Statusbrew? |Content Tagging] helps you categorize your most important conversations, topics, and trends in your inbox. Over time, you'll gather valuable information about the types of conversation which you can see via our [todo: Link Tag Insights in Statusbrew |Tag Report insights.]

To tag a conversation in Engage:

  • Open the conversation you want to add tags for, hover over the message in the chat window, and click on the tag icon[todo: icon sb-ic-tag] beside the conversation.

  • From the dialog, create or choose a tag(s) from the list and click on Update button

Update Sentiments

Statusbrew analyzes the sentiment of the messages and assigns sentiment scores to it. You can check the sentiment score and update it manually. To do this:

  • Open the conversation you want, hover over the message in the chat window, and put your mouse pointer on[todo: icon sb-ic-emoji] beside the conversation to check the sentiment score

  • Click the


    icons to update the sentiment to Positive, Negative, Mixed, or Neutral

Learn more about [todo: Link Understanding Sentiment Analysis | Sentiment analysis] in Statusbrew.

Mark as Priority

You can mark important messages as priority to put the message in Priority inbox. This way you as well as your team can check and reply to the messages that need to be replied to priority. To do this:

  • Open the conversation and navigate to the details from the top right collapsible pane

  • Click the default

    Not priority

    option to move the conversation in Priority Inbox

Learn more about the [todo: link Understanding The Engage Screen |Engage screen]

Add Watchers

You can add watchers for your conversations. To do this:

  • Open the conversation and navigate to the details from the top right collapsible pane

  • Click the Add watchers option and from the dialog, select one or multiple users and click update

Learn more about [todo: Link Watchers in Publish | watchers]

Add to Inbox

You can move your conversations to specific team inboxes. To do this:

  • Open the conversation and navigate to the details from the top right collapsible pane

  • Click the Add to Inbox option and from the dialog, select the relevant inbox to move your conversation

Learn more about [todo: Link What are Team Inboxes in Engage? | Team inboxes] in Statusbrew Engage.

See Also