
Internal Reports


Time Zone

Engagement Report

User-selected time zone

Inbox Team Report

User-selected time zone

Publishing Team Report

Universal Time Coordinated (UTC)

Paid Social Reports


Time Zone

Cross-Network Paid Performance Report

Ad account time zone

Facebook & Instagram Paid Performance Report

Ad account time zone

Twitter Paid Performance Report

Ad account time zone

LinkedIn Paid Performance Report

Universal Time Coordinated (UTC)

Cross-Network Reports


Time Zone

Profile Performance Report

Network’s time zone - refer to the network profile’s report below to see the specific time zone

Post Performance Report

User-selected time zone

Tag Report

Universal Time Coordinated (UTC)

X Reports


Time Zone

Twitter Profiles Report

Universal Time Coordinated (UTC)

Trends Report

User-selected time zone

Twitter Competitors Report

Universal Time Coordinated (UTC)

Twitter Keywords Report

Universal Time Coordinated (UTC)

Twitter Feedback Report

User-selected time zone

Twitter Bots Report

User-selected time zone

Facebook Reports


Time Zone

Facebook Pages Report

Pacific (PST/PDT) time zone

Facebook Competitors Report

Universal Time Coordinated (UTC)

Facebook Bots Report

User-selected time zone

Instagram Reports


Time Zone

Instagram Business Profiles Report

Pacific (PST/PDT) time zone

Instagram Competitors Report

Universal Time Coordinated (UTC)

LinkedIn Reports


Time Zone

LinkedIn Pages Report

Universal Time Coordinated (UTC)

Pinterest Reports


Time Zone

Pinterest Performance Report

Universal Time Coordinated (UTC)

YouTube Reports


Time Zone

YouTube Videos Report

Universal Time Coordinated (UTC)