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Statusbrew’s Post Approval Workflows helps teams create a multi-step and multi-user workflow that facilitates submitting, reviewing, approving, or rejecting outgoing posts.

An approver is a team member responsible for reviewing, approving, or rejecting outgoing posts. You can assign a user as an approver while creating a new post.

Learn more - Post Approval Workflows – Statusbrew Support


The Admin role grants full access to a user for all the features in the organization except the ability to manage billing. An Admin can further promote regular users to the Admin role as well.

Learn more - Types Of Users – Statusbrew Support

Ad Account

A Facebook ad account is used to manage your ads on Facebook and Instagram. If you wish to boost Facebook posts and manage Facebook or Instagram ad comments, you need to connect your add account to Statusbrew.

Learn more - Managing Ad Accounts in Statusbrew – Statusbrew Support

Asset Manager

Asset Manager is a simplified & collaborative asset management tool that helps teams maintain a pool of the brand's digital content and collaborate for the next marketing campaign.

Learn more - Asset Manager – Statusbrew Support


Bulk schedule

The CSV Upload (or the Bulk Upload) feature in Statusbrew lets you schedule multiple posts for all the connected social channels one at a time. Statusbrew only supports standard comma-separated value (CSV) file format for bulk upload.

Learn more - Bulk Scheduling with CSV uploads – Statusbrew Support



Compose refers to the create post window using which you can create & schedule posts for different social media networks at once.

Learn more - Compose Basics – Statusbrew Support


Statusbrew's Planner gives you an intuitive view of your social media activities in one easy-to-read calendar. You can plan out your content for the week or month and always stay on top.

Statusbrew’s Calendar offers three separate views: List, Week, and Month.

Learn more - Manage Content with Calendar View – Statusbrew Support


Category or Publish Category is a publishing queue that allows you to pre-save your best posting times for different campaigns.

Learn more - Getting Started With Publishing Category – Statusbrew Support


A conversation in the context of Statusbrew refers to the top-level exchange between you and your audience on social. A conversation on social can be a comment, a direct message, or even a review. Each of these conversations received on your social profiles connected with Statusbrew shows up in your Engage Inbox.

Learn more - Understanding Statusbrew Engage – Statusbrew Support


Statusbrew has a built-in "Customer Relationship Management" service commonly known as CRM. Having Social CRM right in your social media engagement platform helps you segment inbound leads, complete your social media marketing funnel, and get the most out of your campaigns.

Learn more - Overview Of Social Contacts (CRM) – Statusbrew Support



Statusbrew Dashboard would be your one stop shop for everything Statusbrew. You can jump to a feature of your choice from the dashboard, switch between different spaces and navigate to your account settings.

Dark post

Statusbrew allows all its users to easily publish Facebook Dark Postsdirectly from within Statusbrew's Compose window. Dark (Unpublished) Facebook Posts are created by businesses specifically for advertising. Unlike boosted posts, these posts do not appear on your page's timeline or in the feeds of your followers.

Learn more - Dark Post on Facebook – Statusbrew Support



Statusbrew Engage Inbox is the One Inbox For All Your Conversations across social. Get instant updates of different conversation types from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google My Business, LinkedIn, YouTube into a single stream.

Learn more - Understanding Statusbrew Engage – Statusbrew Support



Statusbrew's Feeds aggregates all your brand's social media activity such as posts, mentions & more in a scrollable & interactive view.


Statusbrew's core features such as Planner, Engage & Reports all come with inbuilt filters for better navigation and classification.

Learn more - Filters & Editorial Boards – Statusbrew Support | Conversation Filters & Queries – Statusbrew Support





Statusbrew integrates with your favorite social media networks & business tools to help you collaborate seamlessly & drive more productivity.

Learn more - Integrations – Statusbrew Support

Instagram Hashtags

Statusbrew's Instagram Hashtags feature lets you create multiple hashtag feeds to monitor activity around your desired hashtags on Instagram.

Learn more - Introduction To Instagram Hashtag Feeds (Experimental) – Statusbrew Support






Media refers to any image or a video file. Statusbrew offers multiple ways to attach a media file to your post.

Learn more - Compose Basics – Statusbrew Support


Native Scheduling (Facebook)

Native Scheduling for Facebook lets you publish the post via a native FB scheduler. All you need to do is schedule the post using Statusbrew Compose and activate the option of Native Scheduling.

Learn more - Compose Basics – Statusbrew Support


Office hours

To eliminate any discrepancies based on business hours and off-hours, you can now set up Office Hours for each social profile in different timezones and understand how quickly each executive is responding to customer queries over time.

Learn more - Better Customer Support With Office Hours – Statusbrew Support


An Owner in Statusbrew has control over billing features and space settings for a particular space in Statusbrew. Any owner can promote users to admin roles for better management of that particular space and its users.

Learn more - Types Of Users – Statusbrew Support



Profiles or Social Profiles refer to your social media pages & accounts. As soon as you create your Statusbrew account, connect your social media profiles, you wish to manage to start planning and publishing social posts, managing conversations, and viewing extensive analytics for them.

Learn more - Connecting & Managing Social Profiles – Statusbrew Support

Profile groups

Profile Groups can be defined as a collection of any number of social media profiles that you have added to Statusbrew. You can group your profiles together based on any attribute such as social network, geographical region, purpose, etc.

Learn more - Overview Of Profiles & Profile Groups – Statusbrew Support

Primary Owner

The Primary Owner is the user who creates the space and has complete authority over administrative features like billing, account settings, space settings, and other owners.

Learn more - Types Of Users – Statusbrew Support



Rule Engine

Statusbrew offers a Rule Engine that automatically triages your incoming conversations across social. Using the rule engine, you can update your conversations based on the conditions you specify, and even combat spam and trolls before they have a chance to ruin your brand's reputation.

Learn more - Overview Of Statusbrew Rule Engine – Statusbrew Support

Rejection reason

A rejection reason can be quickly selected by an approver while rejecting a post awaiting approval. We have added a few most commonly used rejection reasons for you. You can also update these from the Settings under Rejection Reasons.

Learn more - Post Approval Workflows – Statusbrew Support

Round Robin

Statusbrew offers two different ways in which conversations are assigned amongst the member of a user group. If you select the Round Robin method the conversation is assigned in sequential order to users of that group

Learn more - Overview Of Users & User Groups – Statusbrew Support

RSS Feeds

Statusbrew RSS Feeds is an easy way to discover content from across the web and share it directly to your social networks. All you need to do is connect your favorite blogs and publications by adding their RSS feeds to Statusbrew.

Learn more - RSS Feeds – Statusbrew Support



A Space (organization) is the highest level entity of your Statusbrew account. A Space hosts all your social profiles, ad accounts & users. When you join Statusbrew, a new Space is automatically created for your team based on the business name you enter during onboarding.

Agencies can opt for a multi-space account setup to isolate client data.

Shared links

Using Shared links you can share a live version of your reporting dashboard with team members, clients, and stakeholders who do not have access to Statusbrew.

Learn more - Sharing Live Reports Externally – Statusbrew Support


Statusbrew offers Single Sign-on (SSO) support to its users across the web and mobile. SSO is an authentication method that empowers users to access multiple applications with a single set of login credentials (e.g. name and password) to access multiple applications.

Learn more - Enabling SSO/SAML Sign-In – Statusbrew Support

Saved Replies

Statusbrew allows you to create Saved Replies and quickly respond to incoming conversations with pre-saved or canned responses in the Engage Inbox. Saved Replies can reduce your team's response times by saving you from typing out the same answers over and over again.

Learn more - How Can I Set Up & Use Saved Replies? – Statusbrew Support



A tag in Statusbrew is a label you can apply to classify a post, conversation, or contact.

Learn more - Tags Overview – Statusbrew Support

Team activity logs

Team Activity Logs is a centralized location where the activities of all the team members in space are recorded.

Learn more - Team Activity Logs – Statusbrew Support



Teammates onboarded to Statusbrew are set up to a regular user account. Depending on their roles in the organization's workflow, admins can add them to User Groups and configure their access to certain profiles/profile groups in Statusbrew.

Your user limit will vary depending upon your subscription plan and when you created your Statusbrew account. For details, please see the pricing page.

Learn more - Overview Of Users & User Groups – Statusbrew Support

User groups

User Groups are a better way to bundle users together with similar responsibilities, tasks, and workflows in Statusbrew.

Learn more - Overview Of Users & User Groups – Statusbrew Support




Widgets are simple & easy to create elements that can be used to combine any metric (data), display method (line chart, heatmap, pie chart, etc), (social profiles, date, actor), or filters.

You can add a widget to a reporting template or to a blank report.

Learn more - Widgets In Reports Lab – Statusbrew Support


Statusbrew's Watchers feature makes it easier for team members to get notified of content publishing activities.

How Does The Statusbrew "Watchers" Feature Works? – Statusbrew Support


